Friday, October 30, 2009

The Iron Saga...

For those of you keeping up... we had our follow up with our pediatrician today. I told Abby that she wasn't going to get "stuck" with another needle and yet -- they did do a toe prick to see if her iron levels were rising. They've gone up a bit and so he lowered her dose of iron and is allowing us to give it every other day. We're hoping this gives her body a little break and a chance to gain some much needed pounds. His final words were, "You can do this, Abby!" Hurrah for the pediatrician.


  1. What good news about the iron, that's so tough to have two conflicting problems--iron levels and weight gain. Hopefully now she'll be more comfortable. I'm praying for time to sleep for the two of you as well. Hang in there, she'll be getting skinned knees before you know it--love, renee

  2. Hurrah for Jill and Grant... Abby will make it and gain weight and all of you will sleep soon! Praise God!!!! Praying for calm tummy and many smiles. Have a great Saturday... xoxo Abby's Grams

  3. Come of fatty (self fulfilling prophecy attempt)! Let's go saddle bags!

  4. Thank you for sharing all of this Jill and Grant. It is a joy and privilege to follow along with you and Abby. Please don't forget we are down the street and would love to do anything for you at any time.

  5. Great news from the pediatrician! You're doing it Abby!! Hooray for you!!! LOVE the new feet in mouth trick! Good exercise AND makes you hungry!! Keep hanging in there...things look good from here.


  6. WONDERFUL!!!!

    Things are improving now and should continue to do so. It is great to follow along and see the good stuff come around. Blessings seem to abide with you guys. Hugs ...Rebecca C.M

  7. Good to hear that it will be every other day now. Praying that during that time her tummy will improve and you will get rest. You guys are amazing! xo C
