Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 3- Update 3

Abby's nose tubes have been taken out and her oxygen levels have been really great as of this afternoon. She really did wake up for a few hours (before the new pain meds were given) and she even managed a few smiles and her signature "teradactyl scream". The first signs of her acting like herself!

She does need to step up her eating and we are still praying for her wet lungs, anemia and a clean echo tomorrow.

Nighty night! (at least until it's time to feed her again!)

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Abby,
    Lost my comment in cyberspace. Well then we just start over. Smile. Firstly, I'm so happy to read of your progress. It is brilliant of your parents to keep this blog for you, and to enable us (your fans) to follow along. I was brought on to the blog today at the site of your most wonderful theme song. There is so much beautiful Christian music available. The first hymn I learned as a child was 'Jesus Loves Me'.
    I hope you find tasty and tempting things to eat until you get that cheeseburger!!!!!
    xxxxxxxooooooo Love, Rebecca M
    You are such a darling that I can't help but feel connected to you.
