Monday, October 19, 2009

Little Changes

Here is our little monkey - after only being home a few days. Most of the time, she's happy... just like her old self. There are other times when she's a bit more "needy" than before (heck, wouldn't you be if they cracked your chest open and messed around in there?). I am already starting to see bits of her scab come off -- it really us unbelievable how quickly her little body is healing. She still makes a little "eh" sound in some positions like she used to (as if it's hard to breathe) and I assume this is because her lungs are still so "wet" from all that extra blood getting pumped to them for 4 1/2 months. In another few months, they should dry out. A tiny change that I noticed today is that she used to not let you hold her up to your shoulder. She'd arch her back and not stay in that cuddly place.  I never thought that had to do with her heart...I just thought it was a preference on her part. Today, she snuggled right up to my shoulder and hung out there. Huh! Who knows....  We started her on her avocado diet again today and she's eating just about every 2 hours or so. Just like when we brought her home from the hospital the first time. We have some folks bringing food over this week and I'm so thankful because the new level of sleep deprivation that kicks in around 5pm is pretty staggering. We continue to pray for the same ole' things.... dry lungs, her anemia to resolve, her heart to return to it's normal size (in due time) and for her to pack on the lbs. 


  1. Prayers for Abigail

    We will keep storming Heaven for Prayers
    For you our Little Angel
    God Bless All
    Showers of Sunshine and Blessings to follow you every step of the way!
    His Light is Shinning on All
    He loves You
    Your Friends accross the US

  2. Got tears reading about the snuggle. What a blessing.

  3. Sweet baby girl ~ you keep snuggling. One blessed day at a time.


  4. Love her, love you, love the healing. I know these days (and especially nights) must be hard, but take it one day at a time and soon those 8 weeks will have flown by. I can't believe it's already been a week (well, almost) since the surgery! Kisses on Abby's soft head and on her well-earned scar..... xoxo

  5. Is it me or does she look older? bigger? wiser? than a week ago? hmmm. It really is amazing how fast babies heal isn't it?! You can almost watch it happen!...more awesomeness!

    Hang in there. One day soon she'll be sleeping through the night, and so will you and Grant. Hard to believe, but you'll barely remember the sleep deprivation in time.

    The Nieportes continue to amaze in many ways!!!!! God is great!

  6. She looks happier already!!! LOVE the snuggles. ahhhhhhh. Mom and Dad - you are doing an amazing job. Keep it up! I second JJ's advice - one day, or one feeding at a time. If I could, I'd show up for a 2am feeding. Sleep when you can and in no time at all, you'll look back and be amazed that she is only eating every 4 hours :)

  7. she does look like she's feeling better! We are still praying for you everyday. The sleep deprivation will soon turn into amnesia and you will forget all about it. What's an avocado diet? That can't be pretty!
    All our love, Michelle and boys

  8. Great news! Thinking of you all always.

  9. Jill, Lori linked me to your blog a couple of weeks ago. We've been following Abby's progress and have been praying for you! So glad to see her home and on the mend. Love the picture with Sophie the Giraffe! My girl is addicted to that toy :o)
    I can only imagine the sleep deprivation. Hang in there! God is so faithful to provide His strength when we are stretched to the limit of ours. Soak up all those cuddles and give her lots of kisses!
    Kristin (Horney)Acosta

  10. What a darling. So happy for her progress. The prayers will keep coming. She is so remarkable in those smiles after what she has
    been through. Thinking and loving you all. Theresa

  11. I missed writing a comment yesterday, but I did read that post. I love the feel of a baby snuggling like that! Grant was right to get through the hospital as fast as he could. I'm so pleased that your parents were a good help Jill. You will both be tired and worn out from all you've been through. However, "there is no place like home". Abby is looking improved. I send love to all, and you remain in my prayers. I believe you taught me a lot through your trials, about how to prevail!!!! Smile! You are a beautiful family in EVERY way. Rebecca C. M.

  12. Abby looks like she's in really good spirits. As soon as she's able, let's do a play date. More like a play walk? Let's go to the Huntington. All the best to you guys. BTW I can totally see Grant sprinting out of CHLA with a mask on.
