Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Two pics of Abby pre-surgery that I just found. These were both taken two days before she got her "whole" heart.

Happy Halloween!! We hit a few houses on our street (Grant got the pleasure of eating Abby's candy) and our little butterfly "flew" into someone very special. We had never met Cortney, a great gal who gave blood for Abby's surgery. As we were walking down our street, our mutual friend introduced us! It was so fun to meet Cortney and tell her how big of a role she played in Abby's successful surgery.

Her first Halloween was a huge success (she got into her costume, didn't pee all over it, and feel asleep as mommy and daddy hung out with the neighbors!).


  1. she has chubby cheeks and DIMPLES!!!! So sweet!

  2. What a beautiful little butterfly. She looks so cute and healthy.Love to all.
    Aunt M.L.

  3. So beautiful!!! Praying for healing and more butterfly moments! xo C

  4. For "ABIGAIL"

    Butterfly Butterfly Fly to me

    For I would like to see

    You have blossomed and grown

    Oh how you have shown

    Bright as a light

    I would like to hold you tight

    Shinning and glitering flying through the sun
    with fun

    From sight to sight

    You are such a delight

    God Bless You and Have a Good Night


  5. Abby,
    You may be headed for stardom as a gymnast with all that flexibility!!! Love your butterfly wings. Love you. Rebecca CM
