Monday, February 1, 2010

Jumping Bean

You know when you're in a restaurant (of course this is before you have kids) and you hear a child screaming and you think you've popped an ear drum? My next thought was normally, "why can't they get that little one to zip it?" Well, I'm learning a good lesson in compassion for others because Abby's really been using her voice recently (read : she's been screaming a lot lately). No matter what I try, the decibels just won't tone down. On a good day, she lets it out here... instead of in a crowded Starbucks.


  1. What a cutie.... I play this video many times in the day... It always make me laugh..... Won't be long before she is walking....! Oh NO!!

    xoxo Abby's Grandma

  2. Abigail is working on her high notes
    She seems very vocal
    Could we have a little singer here
    Can't wait for her first concert
    I want a ticket
    She will probably write her own music
    Abby's other Grandma
    ( Her favorite two fans)

  3. Um could she be any funnier - the sweetest sounds ever! LOVE IT - you go girl! The Chivers family

  4. From my experience, a parent never should say "never". As in, my peanut "never eats, yells, bites, or whatever". They will make a fool out of you first chance they get! Love the swing picture. She needs some lessons on sun glasses, control the wrinkles you know. love ya, am
