Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Heart Day

Not only is it Valentine's Day, but it's Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Day as well. With the thankfulness that comes from knowing that Abby is asleep in the other room with a whole heart, comes a responsibility to pass along what we've learned about CHDs since her diagnosis. Here are a few staggering facts :

-CHDs remain the number one birth defect and the leading cause of birth defect-related deaths.
-About 1 out of every 100 babies are born each year with some type of Congenital Heart Defect. (approx. 40,000/year)
-Nearly twice as many children die from Congenital Heart Defects in the United States each year as from all forms of childhood cancers combined, yet funding for pediatric cancer research is five times higher than funding for CHD.
-The American Heart Association directs only $0.30 of every dollar donated toward research. The remainder goes toward administration, education and fundraising efforts. Of the $0.30 that goes toward research only $0.01 goes toward pediatric cardiology for CHD.
-The cost for inpatient surgery to repair Congenital Heart Defects exceeds $2.2 billion a year.
-14-16% born with CHD have Ventricular Septal Defects (this is what Abby had -- the most common!)

Here is a drawing of a VSD, what Abby's heart looked like before surgery (the big hole in the middle is where her patch went):

I am on a message board about CHDs and when the moms sign off, they put their child's name and what type of CHD they have. I am continually amazed at how many children have multiple heart problems-- things they will be dealing with for the rest of their lives. Even though what we went through was very stressful, Abby is doing wonderful and had a successful surgery that, we pray, has solved her problem. That time is starting to feel like a distant memory - all of the worrying and fretting over her heart, her surgery, her eating, her lack of weight gain. I actually find myself wanting her vanishing scar to remain forever as a sign of God's faithfulness to us. We are extremely thankful for this past year, every hard moment of it and are reminded on this "heart day" that all of you upheld us in ways we can never repay. Thank you for your friendship and generosity. Our God has been so kind and generous to give us each of you who, quite literally, carried us through.


  1. Yes, we are praising God for His mercy and grace on Abigail Mae and you and Grant. For all who prayed and became a witness of the miracle.

    With thankfulness and HOPE.

    xoxo mom/Abby's Grams

  2. My first reaction was a good chuckle, then Ab's picture almost brought tears to my eyes. How we have been so blessed!!! Thank you so much for this blog and all the news and pictures of our little lady. love to all. am

  3. Happy first Valentines Day
    You are such a special Little Valentine'
    We are sending love and kisses from New Jersey.

  4. Ted and I could not believe that 1 out of 100 children born in the US have CSD's!! Tears of gratefulness are in my eyes this Valentine's Day as I have been priveleged to pray for all of you and to witness a TRUE miracle. She is a precious little girl and we love watching her grow up in pictures/videos. Thanks for your diligence dear Mommy and Grammy Sherry.

    Happy 1st Valentine's Day to Abby Mae and may this one be extra special.

    In His Love and Mercy, Linda xoxo

  5. What a precious love bug... Yes, we are so thankful for God and His amazing LOVE. She is your special Valentine...
    Much love,
    The Marstons

  6. We thank you God For this Precious gift of life
    Our Abigail is just so special to us all
    Our tears of Gratitude are rolling down our cheeks
    Thank You Lord from the bottom of our Hearts
    For her little Heart that has been Healed so
    Beautifully by your Wonderful Loving Hands
    Bless Abigail and her family Lord
    Blessings to all and Thank You For Your Prayer's
    Love /Lori
    Abigail['s Grandma "N"

  7. Sending sweet Abby Mae and the both of you lots of love today. We also
    praise God for His Grace and mercy on Abby. Now you are all blessed
    Ambassadors of CHD and will help so many others who will walk the path you
    already tread.

    God Bless!


  8. Hooray for Abby's strong heart. What a journey.

  9. She's looking great! God bless you all
    George-Luca Gatsinaris

  10. So happy you are all healing. Such a blessing.(:
    Ryan, Matt, Jaxx

  11. Could she be cuter! Love the pic and love the info - it is a true testament to what a blessing Abby is! Love to you all! The Chivers Family

  12. Absolutely beautiful pic! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to walk with you. You are dear to us! Though it's a different kind of congential heart issue (heart failure) at an older age (54), the Lord took my father home with it (his win). Heart issues remain close to my own heart as well. Soooo thankful for all the healing and how the Lord has and will continue to use you in ways you nor Abby can ever imagine by this. Looking forward to the adventure of finding out what that is!

    The Dupees
