Saturday, March 27, 2010

Go Bruins!

Friday was a big day for Abby although she'll probably remember it for the pulling on Tori's nose and watching the "big kids" run up and down Bruin Walk. I went over to UCLA to spend time with my friend Lisa who was visiting from Nor Cal with her four kids and sweet husband. Her oldest, Tori, promptly said "this one!" when Lisa asked her if she liked UCLA or Stanford's campus better. Good girl! Abby loved pulling on her hair and nose and waving at her. We sat under a big, shady tree and then walked through a taping of Lie To Me without meaning to (happening on Bruin Walk) where we saw Tim Roth up close and personal. It was such a fun day to catch up with Lisa and her family and even more fun for Abby, I think. She slept the entire way home. Her afternoon nap is usually 30 minutes at best, even in the car. This one lasted over an hour. If she could only clap, surely she'd be doing the 8-clap right about now. Here's a picture of Abby and I at the Bruin on campus with 3 of the 4 Lajous kidos. What a day!

1 comment:

  1. What fun to be back at UCLA...and have Abby with you... But Jilly, we must let her make up her own mind as to where she wants to go! (But why would she want to go any place else??)

    Go Bruins,

    xoxo Abby's Grams
