Friday, May 21, 2010

Smoke & Mirrors

While I scurry around, trying to get things done for Abigail's first birthday, she's scurrying around, too. While I have my back turned, here are some of her favorite past times.

1. Putting all of her little socks in a bag, shaking it with all her might and then taking them out one by one. It's a real red letter day if I let her shake (to the music) and suck on her teething tablets bottle. (i know... not the best idea).

2. Pulling as many tights and pants out of this bin as she can as well as pull all of the books off the shelf.

3. Escape around the corner into my bedroom. Then attack my closet. And close the door and disappear behind it.

4. The mirror is behind the door. Looking at herself followed by kissing herself and then a "who, me?" look is a new favorite.


  1. Abigail Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday Abigail!
    We Love You!
    Grandma & Pop Pop "N"
    Keep exploring! It is FUN
    Soon you will Run!
    Oh What A Wonderful life
    So Much Fun

  2. Your closet looks like a great place to explore! And if I were as cute as you, I'd kiss myself too!

  3. way too much cuteness!!! Oh happy. happy birthday Abigail! Grace says, "Enjoy your cake!"

  4. Happy Birthday Big Girl!!! You are beautiful!
    Larry, Deb, Marlowe, and Jonah

  5. Happy, Happy, Blessed Birthday, Little Sweet One! Your smile brightens our day!


    Robert & Gerri Anne
