Wednesday, May 5, 2010

She's a She

Thanks, Aunt Tam for always turning us on to cool stuff that works. Check out her first hair clips. First of all, she never once reached for it. It's as if it wasn't even there. Love! Second, the chick? Are you kidding me? So cute! And, lastly....(and I guess any clip would do in this case), maybe I won't get so many "How old is HE"s anymore. Then again, she's always slathered in pink when I get that question, so maybe there is no deterring those people. Hurrah for enough hair to wear the hair clip!

And for warm weather so I can wear my "track suit"!


  1. Soooooo cute! Love you Miss Abby and your track suit and your new hair growing every day! xoxo

  2. Hey I should put hair clips in mine too! Yours looks so pretty.

  3. Okay - that is the sweetest!!!! Grace needs some of those.

  4. OHHHHHHHHH How Adorable
    Abigail Brush 100 Strokes A Day
    They Say And Your HAIR Will
    Love You Abigail
