Monday, May 10, 2010

Mariachi Bands and Chinese Tutus

Last weekend we went to El Cholo for dinner (Waahoo! It's Green Corn Tamale season!). Abby's favorite part was watching the Mariachi Band up on the balcony. Her daddy even lifted her up, in her highchair, swaying back and forth. It's no wonder she loved it. Even at home, when the annoying little song from her toy starts singing the ABCs, she shakes her rattle to the beat.

It was also her friend Pema's birthday. Happy Birthday Pema!

It was a Chinese theme and Abby was intrigued by Pema's awesome shirt and tutu. So much that she attacked her in this play by play :

I wasn't terribly worried about Pema seeing that she outweighs Abby by about 10 pounds. She's the weight Abby dreams she could be!

And here is Pema flirting with Grant and Abby looking over.... not so sure about sharing him....

Abby's first friend's birthday party was a big success (i mean, there were balloons for her to play with, after all!). Now it's time to prep for hers!

1 comment:

  1. Mariachi! How fun! I gotta get my Mom on that soon. Thanks for coming to my party and bringing your dad!
