Saturday, December 12, 2009

What a difference...

two months makes!

Here we are, immediately post surgery when we found out that Abby was out, was okay, was going to be fine.... (relief, joy, exhausted, tears). And here we are today -- please forgive the "Saturday morning-no make up-rolled out of bed" look (so thankful and happy about sweet Abby).
Big day today - Abby was picked up under her arms and was put on her tummy. Both went great. She immediately flipped on to her back -- she's half way to rolling over. Her favorite past times remain -- sitting up and sucking on her feet. And "talking." Lots and lots of talking. Even when she's trying to fall asleep, she mumbles. Crazy girl...

Her sleep is a bit better -- some nights she's great, other nights she can't quite stay "down." We've learned to roll with it for now, until she's a bit bigger. Here she is in her first winter outfit seeing that we're getting hit with the first storm she's ever seen! Merry Christmas, everyone!



  1. Merry Christmas you guys! Thank you for keeping us updated on the progress of your sweet baby girl.

  2. ok, off topic, but you are so robin wright penn in the top picture! how did I never notice that before? princess bride is one of my favorite movies ever? now i need to see pippa lee!

  3. you all look so HAPPY! I love the tongue :)have a very blessed Christmas. love ya, Michelle and boys
