Thursday, June 3, 2010

12 Month Check Up

Abby is doing amazing at her 12 month check up. She is now in the 5% for weight and the 25% for head size and height. Waahoo! She successfully tripled her birth weight (which is what most kids with no health problems do) since last year (here's a reminder) :

She has two teeth, her hair is on the way to looking like Rapunzel, she's still in a size 2 shoe (!), she belly laughs when you say "bless you" after she sneezes, she's crawling everywhere and has no interest in standing. She still loves to jump. She loves to play with locks, doors, keys and shoe laces. She would be perfectly happy only eating chicken or turkey, blueberries, strawberries, prunes, goat cheese and avocado. She's currently on a veggie strike. She nurses twice a day and is on the way to being weaned. She now makes a fist, pulls it down toward her body and says, "humph!" She loves when her daddy tosses her around on the bed (otherwise known as "roughhousing", and in a few years we'll hopefully be asking her to stop doing it to a sibling). She still screams really loudly. Really. Loudly. She sleeps 11 plus hours a night, takes two naps a day and absolutely loves music. She loves to "pitch" things behind her and laughs when she coughs. She puts her head down on her dolly when she's ready for bed of all, she loves (and I mean LOVES) the cards that she got for her birthday. She holds them, stares at them and flaps her arms when she sees one. Like mother like daughter, eh?

She also now loves bubbles : Hanging with the Davis boys (one older, one younger...) Climbing through her new tunnel (Thanks, Pema!) : And going to the Farmers Market every Thursday.

For all of these things and for every little thing, we are so thankful. "Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." - John Milton


  1. Abigail
    How precious you are even
    in the ordinary !
    How extraordinary you are my
    little one.
    Blessings to you and your family of three.
    Like a seed may you grow as your
    family grows to four or five.
    Love & Kisses upon your head
    Whisper a song in your ear.
    And know we always will be near.
    Love and Blessings Grandma "N"

  2. Must see you soon. I will inspire you to love standing and realize how liberating it feels to run away from authority. :-)

  3. Abby's future husband also thinks sneezes are hysterical. See? They're MFEO. Love you all! xoxo
