Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pema & Abigail Take Huntington

I'm so glad my acupuncturist and I became pals. Truly. Abby and Pema are just weeks apart (although they look, in size, as if they are at least 4 months apart) and it's fun to see them interact. While Pema is ahead of Abby in most respects, Abby still wins in the "I can hear everything" category with those precious ears. After Pema's mom told me that Pema "loves foliage" we had to check out Huntington together here in Pasadena. It was nice and warm yesterday and after both of the girls synchronized their naps (both in their ergos on their mommys) the girls did some serious lawn mowing as we were leaving on the front grass. It was like we were at Disneyland. They were stoked. And, after some serious hand-de-grassing, we all headed home, tired and so happy.


  1. How Wonderful for all
    Happiness will follow precious children
    How precious they both are
    Love GM

  2. Abby, you are so fun to hang out with. It's great to have a friend who is the same age as me and has similar interests. I know you'll be all caught up in size within a few months and I'm sure that when we see each other next, you'll be sitting up on your own, doing face plants and loving tummy time! Your Mom should buy you a bunch of curly kale so you can rip it apart all over the car like I did today on the way home from the farmers market.
