Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Best Friend

Hurrah for doing something "normal" today -- Abby is doing so well, we were able to venture outside the house, and hang out with someone just as germ conscious as we are. Abby met her first real friend her age -- Pema! They hung out at the park and as Pema's mom said, "It looks like they want to give each other manicures." Tee hee.... They are only two weeks apart but Pema is everything Abby wishes she could be -- a nice filled out baby girl. They aren't too far apart in length, but Pema was showing Abby how to roll over and Abby's little bobble head was getting a bit more sturdy just watching Pema sit up so nice and tall. Abby's head is doing pretty good, actually -- it's those "sit up" muscles that she needs to work on.


  1. "ABIGAIL"

    How Wonderful! A Friendship

    Girl Bonding Time

    To Live, Learn and Love

    Our Little Butterfly

    Will Blossom In Her Own Time

    And Do It ABBY'S Way

    She Just Wants To Play

    Hip Hip Away!

    My Way

    Love To Miss Precious


  2. It was so great to meet you Abby!!! Let's play again soon after my Mom's fully disinfected your blanket. ;-)

  3. That is adorable!!! Two beautiful girls in pink! xo C

  4. Don't we all have to work on those sit up muscles! How beautiful to see such precious reminders of God's love. Daily moments of joy!!

