Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Night Before The Day Before

Tomorrow morning at 9am we'll be at Children's for our pre-op. As I mentioned, Abby gets some blood work done, gets a physical and we fill out all kinds of brain numbing paperwork. After that, we wait until tomorrow night for the final call telling us what time surgery will be. We're hoping she'll be first up -- at an ungodly hour -- and that we don't get bumped due to an emergency. We had a great weekend with her and can't really believe that "this" week is finally here. It's time for a whole heart, baby girl....


  1. putting up a prayer request for her on my blog tomorrow!

  2. we LOVE you guys and are praying, praying, praying away.

  3. I have O negative blood and would be happy to donate if you need any more. Also, my granddaughter has Tetralogy of Fallot, a heart disease that she had open heart surgery for when she was 3 months old, as soon as she weighed 10 pounds. She had the surgery at Stanford. She is now 13 yrs old and is checked yearly and is doing very well. She does occasionally tell her PE teacher, I need to take it easy today for my heart.... little con artist... as 8th graders are. I know Abby will come through this and God will be given the thanks. He is great!

  4. Sending your beautiful, sweet family my love, prayers and support tomorrow and throughout Abby's recovery!
