Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Hope of Her Heart

We've got two weeks to go.... Here is a picture of Abby's heartbeat, in utero at 6 weeks. On that day, when we heard her actual heart beating for the first time, we suddenly had hope that we would one day meet this child. Here is Abby's heart today -- you can see that one chamber is larger than the other (a result of blood flooding that chamber due to the hole) and the actual VSD (hole) is right there toward the top of the muscle that separates the chambers. I've taken great solace in knowing that this wasn't overlooked by God. This was planned by Him all along and is perfect in it's imperfection. If we are going to thank Him for the good things in our lives, we also must thank Him for the trials and heartaches. Years from now, when Abby has a wonderful scar to show off (but not to any boys, ah hem...) we pray that every time she looks at it, she will know just how deeply God loves her.

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