Abby has had a crazy few days. She had a package opening party with her Grandma and Pop Pop Nieporte in light of it being her first Christmas, followed by a drive to Sacramento to see the Heatherly Grandparents. She did great, save for about an hour of fussiness. MUCH better than when we did this drive in early November. She seems like such a big girl now... here are her stats on her 7th month birthday.
7 month stats :
sitting up with help
grabs things with both hands, transfers them from hand to hand and to her mouth
head is fairly steady
not quite ready for an exersaucer or a bouncer (that hangs from the door jam) just yet
can roll from tummy to her back no problem
finds herself on her tummy from time to time having rolled there without meaning to
grabs for our drinks
can drink from a cup with help
can drink from a sippy cup without help
loves carrots, peas, avocado & prunes
not so happy about pears (why not?!)
solidly wearing 3-6 month clothes (some 6 month clothes in long, lean brands)
finally weighs over 12 pounds!
takes a small iron supplement every other day
loves hearing "la la la" and grabbing at our eyes and mouths
is spending her first Christmas Day in Sacramento at her grandparents house
is finally in size 2 diapers!
Here is Abby - actually smiling during tummy time. Her Papa was making her laugh.

Gettin' ready for Christmas with Grandma...

Grandma took Abby out for a walk in her cute bunny suit (because it's cold here!) and when she came home, Abby was fast asleep in her arms. Hurrah for 3 naps today instead of 2! Merry Christmas, everyone!